Scott Gordon

Scott Gordon

Scott Gordon

Deputy Director of Enforcement (Retired)
US Environmental Protection Agency

Scott Gordon is a retired professional of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s southeast regional office (Region 4) in Atlanta. EPA Region 4 covers the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.

Mr. Gordon earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Louisville. He was with EPA for 36 years and has worked in compliance and enforcement areas such as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program and Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA - Superfund) program, the Underground Storage Tank Program, the Clean Water Act (Sections 402, 404 and 503) and the Safe Drinking Water Act (Drinking Water and Underground Injection Control). Additionally, Mr. Gordon served as the Enforcement Coordinator for Region 4 and as the Deputy Division Director of the Water Management and the Environmental Accountability Divisions, and served as the Chief of Staff for the acting Regional Administrator for two years.

Mr. Gordon has received numerous awards for enforcement work including national commendations for work on the City of Atlanta sewer problems, Jacksonville Showcase Community efforts and regulatory approaches to Combined Animal Feeding Operations. He also received EPA’s 1999 Best Practices Award for outstanding innovations in enforcement and compliance assurance for Publically Owned Treatment Works Management Operation and Maintenance Self-Audit Initiative.

Scott retired from the US EPA in January 2020 as Deputy Director of Enforcement. Post retirement he was nominated and received the Ira Leighton, Jr. Lifetime Leadership Award, the Agency’s highest career achievement honor, four months later. He will share his perspective on the relationship between regulators and the regulated community, and his observations on common interaction mistakes.